Hi everybody!
After another bigger break I proudly announce you the pull request of Avalanche engine on GitHub!!!
In the last few days Strangerke and me worked a lot to make the engine more coherent and readable, and we were even able to implement most of the sounds and the harp-playing mini-game alongside it.

There are still lot to do with the game, so my work clearly won’t stop by the end of this year’s GSoC. If you want to be kept well informed, I suggest you to check the wiki page of the engine regularly, as well as keep on reading this blog, because I won’t stop writing posts about my progress neither. (Even if not weekly, thanks to school… but as frequently as it is possible.)
At last I want to say thank you to everyone, especially to my mentors: Strangerke and fuzzie. These two, and practically the whole ScummVM team helped me so much developing my engine that I can’t even describe the gratitude I feel toward them! It’s a great team to work with and being part of it. I am also very thankful to Google as well since they made my whole project possible with their financial support. Thank you guys, you are all awesome! 🙂