
Week 0


Hello! My name is Abhinav Chennubhotla, and throughout the GSoC summer I’m going to be working on a system for verifying the integrity of game files in ScummVM; validating their checksums against those present in a central database.

Throughout the summer, I’ll also be blogging my progress here at least weekly, hopefully more.

Project on the GSoC website. Find me on the ScummVM discord at #gsoc-integrity.


ScummVM relies on users to acquire their own game files, which quite often come from old, unreliable media. This project will help users confirm the integrity of the files on their computer, and will help developers determine if bugs are caused by issues in the game files, or ScummVM itself.


My tasks for the summer include:

  • Creating and implementing a database schema for storing checksums.
  • Creating a backend to work with the DB.
  • Building tools – both a website and CLI application – for developers to mass-populate the DB.
  • Creating and deploying an API for the aforementioned tools as well as ScummVM (for the end users) to communicate with the backend.
  • Adding the requisite functionality to ScummVM to calculate checksums, send requests, and receive responses.
    Also add the necessary GUI buttons and such.

The database schema, and the API spec is mostly already defined. The website design will mostly the somewhat similar to Adminer.

That’s all for now. Make sure to check in later for a continuation for my journey!

Thanks for reading!