Hello reader, it has been more than a week since my last post and I have the first week of work done.The plan for this week was to create a tool to generate English translation, make a basic engine and make ScummVM assign the Mission Supernova 2 game to that engine.
When I made the schedule for this Google Summer of Code, I planed to use the engine for the first game as a template. I knew the games are quite similar, but I thought I would still have to change quite a lot of the methods and accordingly to that I made the schedule. So far it looks like I quite misjudged the similarities of the games. I started slowly, copying from the first engine only the really essential parts. Then I was carefully as I needed them adding more and more methods with just some little adjustments until I basically ended up with almost identical engine except for the really specific parts (rooms, objects, …). I guess that if I started by copying the whole first engine and deleting what isn’t needed for the second game or reimplementing what’s different, I would get pretty similar result after less time and a lot less work.
The initial schedule was:
Week 1:
Make tool to generate Supernova2.dat with translated strings and images
Make ScummVM correctly detect MS2 game and assign it to Supernova 2 engine
Week 2:
Implement loading of game files and strings from Supernova2.dat into memory
Week 3:
Start working on the intro animation
Week 4:
Finish the intro animation
Start working on rendering the first room
- Week 5:
- Finish rendering the first room
- Add inventory, commands and exit map to the screen
Week 6:
Implement user event handling
- Week 7:
- Implement the logic behind commands, exit map and inventory
- Week 8:
- Implement Save/Load feature
- Start adding the rest of the rooms
Week 9:
Finish adding the rooms
- Week 10:
- Add the outro animation
- Week 11:
- Add sound
Week 12:
Fix bugs
Room to spare
The schedule didn’t work quite as planed, since in the first week, I basically completed the first 8 weeks. I started adding the rest of the rooms and right now I am at 4 rooms out of 71.