OK, so that’s the first post. Looks like this separate GSoC blog page works like I want it to.
I’m participating in Google Summer of Code for the second time, and today I’ve learned that my proposal to ScummVM was accepted! I’m going to add cloud storage integration into ScummVM, so users would be able to sync their saves and game data between their devices.
I wasn’t posting anything about my work last year (even though I mentioned I probably would in my proposal), so I don’t have a lot of experience writing blog posts in English (actually, I don’t write blog posts in Russian too often as well). Keeping this blog is one of the requirements of ScummVM, so I’d be posting something there at least every week during GSoC.
I’m a little bit busy these days with all my studies, but I had some free time a few weeks back, so I made the first prototype. It has no GUI and it can use Dropbox to upload or download files. I also wrote some basic syncing, which works with files and directories (meaning if you have old file on local machine and a directory with newer files on remote server and names of this file and that directory are the same, it would correctly remove the file, create a directory and then download its contents).
And I guess that’s it for today. I’m not yet sure when I’ll write again.