Hi all, welcome back to my progress blog for CRAB. As we get closer to the end of the GSoC period, I am happy to inform you, that the PR for integrating CRAB into ScummVM has been merged! 🙂 In this blog post, I would like to detail what changes and improvements I made last week.
While most of my commits were around code formatting fixes and code cleanup, I did make a few exciting changes. My mentor, Sev, pointed out that Unrest had a demo version available on Steam, and I was able to add support for the demo version as well. This means that all of you can at least play one stage of Unrest for “quick feels” of how CRAB works on ScummVM!

Initially, the demo crashed due to bugs in MusicManager but I was able to fix it and now you can play the whole demo. As an engine developer, the consequences of having a demo version are really exciting because now a larger audience would be able to test out the engine. 🙂
Next, I have made the debuglines that are drawn on the screen togglable using ScummVM’s debug console. You need to press CTRL+ALT+D and then type in the draw `XXX` command where XXX is the feature(TMX, Pathfinding, etc.) for which you want to draw debug lines.

I made some other small fixes here and there but that is all I did this week. The major progress of this week was that I was finally able to get CRAB merged, phew. Oh, and in other news, I have joined the ScummVM team. 🙂 I plan to keep working on the CRAB engine and I’m also thinking of helping out with the SLUDGE engine. We’ll see.
Thanks for reading as always!
P.S., here are some links for announcements of CRAB getting merged into ScummVM:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ScummVM/status/1689658519749013504