
Refactoring code and misc. changes

Hi all, this week I worked on formatting the code to match the code formatting conventions set by ScummVM. In my opinion, this is a step in the correct direction as it would get the repo in a state where it could potentially be merged into main ScummVM branch.

What needed to be changed?

While most of the formatting issues could be fixed by running tooling such as clang-format, others need to be fixed manually. Majority of my commits in the last week have been around converting the function names to camelCase and prefixing member variables with underscore.

Initially, I thought it would be an easy job but once I actually got to it, it turned out to be really taxing and frankly – boring.

I started out by manually making changes in the class definition,compiling, going through the compilation errors, and then fixing the references and as you can imagine it took a lot of time.I could not shake the feeling that there should be some tooling that could help me out and make the process easier. This is where I came across the “refactoring” feature in CLion, which could automatically rename/fix the references. I tried it out and although not perfect, it has definately made the process easier.

As of writing, I have fixed the formatting issues of atleast 5 components – ai, animation, event, input, and item . Next week, I will be working on fixing the rest of the components. That is all for this week. Thanks for reading!


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