Hi! Got through the first arcade sequence in Operation Stealth and back onto dry land :-). But it wasn’t very easy, as there were problems to overcome:
- First arcade sequence was practically impossible to complete (Oxygen forced to maximum by a hack in r33667 for now so it’s possible to complete it)
- Player teleported to a wrong location when getting out of the water after the first arcade sequence (Fixed by fixing checkCollision function’s boundary checking in r33668)
- Player got completely stuck after getting out of the water after the first arcade sequence (Introduced a hack in r33673 to nudge the player off his position by one pixel to get him free)

So now the first arcade sequence is completable (Although by a hack) and one can get out of the water after it and continue playing.
BTW while playing I’ve noticed that although savegames work good enough to allow continuing playing the graphics aren’t always correct, see for yourself:

What next?
Carrying onwards with the game! Let’s see how far I’ll get this time without encountering any showstopping bugs…