After writing the previous blog post about shadows, I discovered that my shadow implementation caused a crash in the House of Sticks at Lucre island. The format of the shadow data in this particular set did not seem to match the format I described in the previous post.
It turned out that my interpretation of the shadow data was wrong. The shadow color is not part of the ‘sector reference’ structure as I thought before. Instead it is part of the ‘shadow’ structure. The color is stored after the array of ‘shadow reference’ structures.

It appears that in most cases a ‘shadow’ structure only contains one sector reference. This is why my initial implementation seemed to work. However, the House of Sticks set file contains a ‘shadow’ structure that references multiple sectors, and in this case my implementation tried read too much data, since it attempted to read a color for each sector reference.
This discovery indicates that a single shadow will always have a uniform color. However, if multiple shadows are drawn on top of each other, this can give the appearance of a single shadow with multiple colors. This happens for example in the Place of Prostheses.

Since the shadow color is uniform, rendering the shadows is simplified. PR #956 now contains much less changes to the renderer code, as the EMI shadow rendering is now very similar to that of Grim.