Down to the wire

As I am writing this, the GSoC Coding period ends in just under 19 hours. Shortly after my last blog post, I began to make some headway on the task, and I’ve kept up a reasonable pace since then, and I’ve now got modifiers working in a way that I’m satisfied with, so I’m finally starting on the real meat of the task — the engine<->keymapper interface. Unfortunately, I haven’t managed to take a whole lot of time yet to sit and think about the details of how this is going to work, so I’m going to be flying by the seat of my pants a bit.

I hope to have a more fully-fleshed proposal for an API, and some work on an initial implementation done, before the 19:00 UTC deadline.

Wish me good luck, I will need it.


With 6 and a half hours remaining in the GSoC coding period, and badly in need of sleep, it looks like I won’t be able to get the API proposal finished before the pencils down deadline.

In fact, what I’ve managed to get done towards it is embarassingly small, but I will post it here for posterity, anyway:

How this is going to work:

  • simple method to create simple common actions such as mouse clicks and key presses
    • Autogenerate keypress and mouseclick action IDs and descriptions
      • What is the bare minimum required for an Action structure to be functional?
      • What aspects of an Action can be defaulted or autogenerated in the majority of cases?
        • preferredkey
        • events
        • id?
        • description?
        • Priority??
          • How does priority work? (is 0 the highest priority, or the lowest?)
          • What is the point of having a “parent-child” keymap hierarchy?
  • model Keymapper interface after CursorManager
    • implement a stack for keymaps
      • implement pushKeyMap
        • What input should it take?
          • cursor manager takes the components for a cursor, and handles cursor assembly internally
          • But maybe if there’s a streamlined method for keymap production, the engine could handle that and push the completed map
      • replaceKeyMap
      • popKeyMap
      • Surely there are other distinguishing features to the CursorManager