Back in the saddle

Alright, I’m finally back from vacation, and well rested, and shaking off my cold, so it’s time to get back to work on this.

From this point, I’m actually going to be working on the keymapper, so I’m making this blog post to organize my thoughts into a plan of action.

  1. Become familiar with the current working of the keymapper.
  2. Create a standardized framework for backends to describe keys and define keymaps.
  3. Make a stack for keymaps to be pushed onto and popped from as needed.
  4. Make use of the framework to allow the keymapper to automatically generate keymaps.
  5. Figure out some way to make the keymaps easily userconfigurable.

This is only the most general of outlines at the moment, I expect to add subtasks, and rearrange the task list as I become more familiar with the keymapper as it currently exists.

Note: I wrote this post on July 30, but somehow wordpress never published it, thankfully it was saved to drafts, at least.