Initial progress

So, I’ve got the SDL backend set up with a 16 bit game screen, and copyRectToScreen set up to use it instead of the 8bpp one. Currently, for testing purposes, it just assumes that all pixel data passed from the game is 16bit RGB.

So games aren’t exactly playable with this compiled in, at the moment, as I haven’t yet begun modification of the core engine to display in 16bpp, as you can see in this screenshot of the freddicove demo

Freddicove in 16bpp

As you might see there, I still have it rendering the mouse pointer as 8bpp. This is so that I can still have a reasonable idea of what it’s pointing at and use it to find the exit button.

At _sev’s suggestion, I have changed the vCUPhe subengine to display a 16bpp gradient instead of playing humongous entertainment preview movies, in order to test the backend.

Well, it turns out the backend portion is working, fine, as you can see in this

full color 16-bit gradient

So, this is the current state of things. I’ll be making another post a little later on with my current roadmap for the rest of the project.