Hello World (Again)

I wanted to clone someone else’s open source repo, and while setting it up I ran into building blocks of Github that I should’ve documented last year during GSOC, so I’m writing them down as reference. It will be very short:


How to start:

1. Set up SSH here. https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/connecting-to-github-with-ssh/about-ssh

2. When cloning with SSH as authentication method, use the command `git clone` with an address for cloning with SSH specifically

(3.  I speculate this blog and scummvm docs will contain valuable info for step 3. and beyond)

Open Questions

I cloned a directory into /.ssh, and can’t remove it with `rm -R directoryname` or anything else documented in this blog post from the website macworld, or view the directory with the usual mac user interface. Don’t make the same mistake.

Life In General

Year in Review

After gsoc, I’ve been working in web3 and was lucky to take on a role I enjoy, relish, get mentored, and can grow with. Although the gig is legally structured to be paid by the hour, I spend around 160-240 hours per month on it, so I’ll consider it a full-time job.

My gig is not a coding role (sadly, this seems obvious), but I think it will be worth spending more time coding & seeing what I can do in the open source community. The price is very high with coding since it’s very intense and can cause a lot of eye strain, esp. when I already work remotely. But last weekend I went to an open source conference, and it hit me once more that there’s just nothing to lose.

On the News

Pelosi visits Taiwan. Her plane will touch in 80 minutes (22:20pm)

Significance: Nancy Pelosi is the speaker of the United States House of Representatives. It’s been 25 years since someone with her status in US visits Taiwan, and has significance in Taiwan-US relationship, and as a corollary, the Chinese-US relationship.

For what I understand, the speaker of the US House of Representatives is only next to POTUS and vPOTUS, and she is visiting multiple Asian countries while keeping the detour/visit to Taiwan secret for obvious reasons.

There was so much speculation on whether she will be coming and the news was only more confirmed in the morning (it’s not even official yet). It was talk of the town for a few days and all over the news today.





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