What’s up, doc?

(Editor’s note: unfortunately, the posts #13-33 are lost and not available on archive.org)


So… yes, right. Doc is up. And by doc I mean documentation. And by up I mean that a first draft of the Theme Format documentation has been uploaded and can be seen here. It even has PICTARZ, so feel free to take a peek and tell me what do you think I could improve (apart from the obvious missing sentences and the hundreds of typos). And don’t tell me I can improve PICTARZ because they are the most awesome shit you’ll ever see in a XML format documentation. EVAR.

Also, in case you don’t know, I have been working my ass off this last week. Yesterday I dropped all traces of the legacy GUI code from my SVN branch (if that’s not a project milestone, then I don’t know what is it).

This afternoon I’ve written a whole theme from scratch (a reproduction of the old “classic” theme) in less than 1h. I guess that proves that the new STX format is powerful or something.

…And that’s it. I’m basically done. There are just a few graphical glitches here and there (the new GUI doesn’t look exactly like the old one) which I’ll be fixing over the weekend.

I wanna be Jackie Onassis. I wanna wear a pair of dark sunglasses. I wanna be Jackie O, oh, oh, oh please don’t die.

UPDATE: I have given another pass to the STX format documentation, and also uploaded the documentation for the XML Parser.