Hello everyone!
I would like to show you my new progress. Like i wrote in my last post I’m working on inventory part right now. I have already implemented drawing the suitcase and loading sprites and texts for items. I managed to recreate animation of adding a new item with sound effect. Position of items in inventory is based on amount of them. I also handle proper opening and closing it by mouse and drawing names of item selected by a cursor.
There were also two additional parts of code that had to be done – drawing animation of candle (it’s the only one animated inventory item) and also gravedigger’s curse animation for four items (immortality elixir, amulet, gem and dagger) for first location. Animation of adding new item and gravedigger’s curse use other algorithm of calculating frame colors (which creates blinking effect). You can see that on screenshots below or on short video right here:
(Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsaZnmblBgM)

Name drawing, mouse handling

Items animation – blinking
Next things that I want to implement are left and right mouse button events for inventory (drawing short description of item and item options window). Some functions from inventory will be very useful for dialog windows part later.