… because I can’t think of anything neat. Okay, I admit it, I’m really bad with titles. ?
I’ve done some more work on the Draci Historie engine. Some of the visible new features include support for the game’s original fonts and mouse support. Some of the not-so-visible features include work on a sprite class which will be needed later on when I start incorporating actual game elements.
While I was working on mouse support, I noticed that one of the original game files was in an archive format that wasn’t BAR and it just happened to be the one that the cursor sprites were stored in. Upon further investigation, it appeared that the archive was in DFW format, an older format that was ditched from the game… or so I thought. Funnily enough, I did investigate the format of the files when I first started and, apparently, somehow missed that one file. Even Robert agreed that DFW was no longer used. Long story short, the archiver class now supports DFW files too.
In other news, I was asked to post a short video of that animation I talked about last time. I tried running it with the hq3x filter enabled and things looked really nice. I was going to post a video with the filter enabled but then I realised that I’m too afraid of potential purists going after me. So, here it is, the original, unaltered, 8-bit, Draci Historie goodness. Well, maybe a bit scaled. ?