My first week experience and my first task!

Hello, it’s nice to talk to you again!
This is my first week after being accepted into ScummVM and I have a lot to talk about, so let’s get started. A little sidenote – Originally, I thought to update my blog once every two weeks and that it would be a good idea, but I just really wanted to update you guys with my exciting first week!
I was reading my fellow GSoC student’s introductory blog post when I realized that the introductory blog post is also meant to introduce a person, something I completely forgot in my first post.

Yes, that’s right, I forgot to introduce myself – in my introductory blog post. You read that right – but I hope that you didn’t find it rude, I was just really excited to be a part of ScummVM for this summer, and somehow forgot what I was supposed to write! Let’s do it right this time before we move on to my first week’s experience!

I got accepted into GSoC!

A start of a wonderful journey, and I’m a part of it! I’m pleased to announce that my proposal has been accepted to GSoC 2020!
From coding “Hello World”, to making small projects, to being a part of ScummVM’s GSoC student is fascinating. You know, honestly speaking, I didn’t think I would make it. I started my GSoC proposal late, around 19th March. I sent in the first mail to my potential mentor then – and crafting a great proposal usually takes many days. Regardless of the proximity to the deadline, I worked as hard as I could to make a decent proposal, and on 4th May – that hard-work reflected an essential part of my life!