Another gift!

It turns out the music, contained in the XMI.GJD file, is in xmidi format. Which scummvm already supports. Woohoo! This says to me that the next stage is probably going to be adding the engine to scummvm … a big task.

Oh, and I’m going to rename all the files so they have small letters. internally they’re all referred to in small letters, so for the time being I may as well be consistent. Eventually I guess it’s gonna have to cope with both, but I prefer the idea of being short-sighted for a bit.

And I’m going to redo the database, this time with all the unknown data values, and possibly bytecode totals for all the resources. Maybe. Still haven’t decided what format the database should be in, I’m having a go with OpenOffice database, seems ok. Whether it’ll read in comma delimited data, who knows…