Dirty Rectangle System Pt 1

Dirty Rectangles system is a term used for a specific rendering optimization that consists in tracking which parts of the screen changed from the previous frame and rendering only what has changed.
Implementing this sort of system is part of my last task for Google Summer of Code and it’s probably the biggest and most difficult task I worked on so far.

In order to implement this kind of system inside TinyGL, a system that defers draw calls is required; once this system is implemented then dirty rectangles will be as easy as comparing draw call from current and previous frame and decide which parts to render based on this information.

As every draw call needs to be stored (along with all the information to execute it) the best way to implement this is to use polymorphism and let every subclass of DrawCall store whatever information is needed, thus saving space (because only the necessary information will be stored) at the cost of a minimal performance impact due to virtual functions.

This would be the interface of the class DrawCall:

class DrawCall {
	virtual ~DrawCall();
	virtual void execute();
	virtual void execute(const Common::Rect &clippingRectangle);
	virtual bool compare(const DrawCall &other);


As you can see the class exposes some basic functionalities that are required to implement dirty rects: you need to be able to compare if two draw calls are equals and you need to be able to perform the draw call (with or without a restricting rectangle).

At the moment only a few operations would be encapsulated inside this class, namely blitting (on framebuffer or zbuffer) and triangle and line rasterization.

That’s all for the first part of this series of posts, the next one will describe more in depth the implementation of DrawCall subclasses and the problems that arise with encapsulating blitting and 3d rendering operations!