Subversion Mistakes

In an effort to get my ScummVM branch to compile in Visual Studio, I copied some newer project files updated and maintained by other developers who use Visual Studio as well. These updated project files fixed some compilation bugs and warnings. However, the updated project made reference to some non-existent files in my directory structure, specifically in the /engines/gob/ folder. So my solution was to copy the updated code from /engines/gob/ directory of the main trunk to my branch and then update. The updates ending up affecting the entire folder and committing 47 changed files in /engines/gob to my branch. See the update history here. It turns out this is a poor method for taking updates from the trunk. The updates now seem like I was the one committing the code changes which not only messes with the revision history, but also makes it more difficult to re-merge my branch back to the main trunk when the project is completed. This was a silly mistake which will end up causing some trouble which will require some manual fixing.

In order to properly manage updates from the trunk and implement them in my branch, the tool is necessary. The tool and directions for use can be found here. This tool, when installed in your working directory, will properly manage updates from the trunk. It is also helpful when merging branches back to the trunk.