TOUCHE Engine & TRECISION Engine – Week 7


I found it odd that keycodes were being stored in _flagsTable[600] but I couldn’t for the life of me find anywhere else in the engine where it was being used. So when the escape key is pressed, KEYCODE_ESCAPE is stored in _flagsTable[600] and somewhere else in the engine it is being processed.

so even though I mapped it into action I had to store the escape keycode in the _flagTable[600] otherwise it wouldn’t work. This is a hack that I am not proud of but could not find another way as of now. Other than that there was nothing in the engine that was hard to tackle.
Here is my PR.


The issue I had with Trecision while mapping it was that the pause was little complicated to figure out as the loop calls itself recursively to see if any key has been pressed then it unpauses.

I disabled the keymap so if any key was pressed it would continue and for that I accommodated JoyInputs too so I introduced bool joyunpause which keeps track of if any joy button was pressed.

Additional Details

I was told by my mentors that I was not mapping joy buttons correctly. One major issue was that I was using JOY_BACK and JOY_GUIDE but these buttons including JOY_START are already in use by either global_keymap or hardware. So I was advised that if there are multiple keys and not enough joy_buttons, to further divide the keymap and enable and disable in different game situations so they do not overlap and that way you can use same joy button for different actions.

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