SAGA Engine & HUGO Engine – Week 4

SAGA Engine

I had wasted a day finding where the key inputs were being processed, the best option should’ve been asking the mentors. Once I did that they were able to guide me to how it was being processed and what what I had to change, essentially the ascii were changed to customEngine actions.

Also I had changed the keyboard handler which used to process ascii to accommodate customActions too

Rest was just changing the code so instead of ascii the actions were executed on customAction, also it took an this took most of the week because there were a lot of keys to be taken account of and the key registration was relatively convoluted in terms of defining a new new keymaps. I am still confused if escape key requires a keymap Action as in some places only escape is required and other only return. Would I have to make a keymap Action for both separately or an action that accommodates both, my mentor had advised “My thoughts are that not all the inputs necessarily need keymaps on those, but at least one is likely an improvement”. Thus I have decided that I will keep the action for escape.
You can find the PR here.

HUGO Engine

Hugo is comparatively simple, the keymap inputs were easy to identify and there were few keys. I planned to do a simple engine so I can target at least two engine per week
You can find the PR here.

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