It has begun

Hi to all. It’s not my first record in this blog, but I had no chance to introduce myself in previous posts. In this post I’m going to fix this unfortunate mistake.

My name’s Danil. I’m ukrainian student and am studying computer science in university. You might have guessed on the basis of my project’s choice, but just in case I will specify that I really love computer games.

Now about news. Of course, main news is MY GSOC PROPOSAL HAS BEEN ACCEPTED!!! What does it mean in practical plane? In practical plane it mean that during the next 4 month you’ll read in this blog how I’m writing “Testing framework for ScummVM“. I promise that will do my best to make this blog not very boring to read.

What can I say else? Fortunatelly, in this year Ukraine choosed for EURO2012 soccer champ. Our goverment pay a big attention to this event, therefore my university’s exams begins and ends early, so I’m almost pass them and ready to work right now.

Maybe it’s all that I can say in introduction. So see you later in next post after I do some work and be able describe any interesting technical details

Progress at 19’th of April

I tried to make something workable in time, but it was much harder than expected. So I’ll show what I had done for this moment. Sources you can see at this  LINK. There I’ll tell how and what I did to realize this idea.

I’ve read and criticism of my idea to link events with engine’s loop. I’ve desided that it’s realy hard in realization and impossible to make universal for all existing engines. Then I’ve desided to write every “external” event (with some exceptions), namely mouse’s moves and clicks, keyboard’s events, calling of delay and getmillis functions.

I’ve quite quickly writtem it, fortunately most of all this was already in existing code. Then I’ve tested it on SKY engine and everything worked perfect.

SKY refactoring

In my first post I’ve wrote about refactoring of SKY engine. Here I want to describe it in more details what did I mean.

Let’s look to the main engine’s loop. It’s huge, so I’ll process it part by part

First thing we’re seeing – nested pause loop. Are we really need it? Or may remove without any regrets? Obviously it’s paused state of engine. When engine in this state, it’s only make delay and check keyboard for ‘P’ button pressed. (Also there is one moment. In this state user can’t close game cause shouldQuit() procedure doesn’t processed. I don’t know actually is it bug or feature, but seems like bug)

    while (!shouldQuit()) {
            if (shouldPerformAutoSave(_lastSaveTime)) {
                    if (_skyControl->loadSaveAllowed()) {
                            _lastSaveTime = _system->getMillis();
                    } else
                            _lastSaveTime += 30 * 1000; // try again in 30 secs
            if (_systemVars.paused) {
                    do {
                    } while (_systemVars.paused);
                    delayCount = _system->getMillis();

After I removed nested loop, code begin to show that the pause is a state of loop. Also removing of totally useless loop helped us to make code more readable

    while (!shouldQuit()) {
            if (_systemVars.paused) {
                    delayCount = _system->getMillis();
            else {
                    if (shouldPerformAutoSave(_lastSaveTime)) {
                            if (_skyControl->loadSaveAllowed()) {
                                    _lastSaveTime = _system->getMillis();
                            } else
                                    _lastSaveTime += 30 * 1000; // try again in 30 secs

Now let’s pay our attention to the bottom of go() function. There is calculation of delay

    if (_fastMode & 2)
    else if (_fastMode & 1)
    else {
            delayCount += _systemVars.gameSpeed;
            int needDelay = delayCount - (int)_system->getMillis();
            if ((needDelay < 0) || (needDelay > _systemVars.gameSpeed)) {
                    needDelay = 0;
                    delayCount = _system->getMillis();

I want to move it to separate function because it make reading of main loop much harder than it can be.

    int SkyEngine::calculateDelay( uint32 &delayCount ) {
            if (_fastMode & 2) {
                    return 0;
            else if (_fastMode & 1) {
                    return 10;
            else {
                    delayCount += _systemVars.gameSpeed;
                    int needDelay = delayCount - (int)_system->getMillis();
                    if ((needDelay < 0) || (needDelay > _systemVars.gameSpeed)) {
                            needDelay = 0;
                            delayCount = _system->getMillis();
                    return needDelay;

In main loop I’ve left only delay (calculateDelay(delayCount)) string. I don’t actually know, why delayCount uses in pause state, so I did’t touch it.
Next code I want to extract from main loop is

    if (shouldPerformAutoSave(_lastSaveTime)) {
            if (_skyControl->loadSaveAllowed()) {
                    _lastSaveTime = _system->getMillis();
            } else
                    _lastSaveTime += 30 * 1000; // try again in 30 secs

It’s absolutely independent and we may extract it into separate method

    void SkyEngine::performAutosave() {
            if (shouldPerformAutoSave(_lastSaveTime)) {
                    if (_skyControl->loadSaveAllowed()) {
                            _lastSaveTime = _system->getMillis();
                    } else
                            _lastSaveTime += 30 * 1000; // try again in 30 secs

At the same time i’ve noticed that acutosaving doesn’t perform in pause state (bug?)
For the same reasons, I’ve extracted this code

    if (_debugger->showGrid()) {
            uint8 *grid = _skyLogic->_skyGrid->giveGrid(Logic::_scriptVariables[SCREEN]);
            if (grid) {

to separate method

    void SkyEngine::showGrid() {
            if (_debugger->showGrid()) {
                    uint8 *grid = _skyLogic->_skyGrid->giveGrid(Logic::_scriptVariables[SCREEN]);
                    if (grid) {

in result of all these actions I got clean and readable main loop.

    while (!shouldQuit()) {
            if (_systemVars.paused) {
                    delayCount = _system->getMillis();
            else {

But it’s not the end. I still can make few improvements here. Each state call delay and handleKey functions. I think, I can move them out of condition. But to do this, I need to change calculateDelay function and add those strings to it:

    if (_systemVars.paused) {
            delayCount = _system->getMillis();
            return 50;

Paused state calls _system->updateScreen() method. After few ticks function delay calls the same method. I not sure, but it seems like we can remove this call from paused state. Aad we get situation where engine doesnt perform any actions in paused state. I’ve changed condition and main loop got following look:

    while (!shouldQuit()) {
            if (!_systemVars.paused) {

In my opinion, it much more readable and clear than it was. We can move forward and make it FSM-like and remove delay function and one more loop, but I don’t think we realy need to do this.

Now, let’s look to the delay() function.

    void SkyEngine::delay(int32 amount) {
            Common::Event event;
            uint32 start = _system->getMillis();
            if (amount < 0) amount = 0; do { while (_eventMan->pollEvent(event)) {
                            switch (event.type) {
                            case Common::EVENT_KEYDOWN:
                                    _keyPressed = event.kbd;
                            case Common::EVENT_MOUSEMOVE:
                                    if (!(_systemVars.systemFlags & SF_MOUSE_LOCKED))
                                            _skyMouse->mouseMoved(event.mouse.x, event.mouse.y);
                            case Common::EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
                                    if (!(_systemVars.systemFlags & SF_MOUSE_LOCKED))
                                            _skyMouse->mouseMoved(event.mouse.x, event.mouse.y);
                            case Common::EVENT_RBUTTONDOWN:
                                    if (!(_systemVars.systemFlags & SF_MOUSE_LOCKED))
                                            _skyMouse->mouseMoved(event.mouse.x, event.mouse.y);
                    if (amount > 0)
                            _system->delayMillis((amount > 10) ? 10 : amount);
            } while (_system->getMillis() < start + amount);

There are 2 loops in delay() function. They make logicaly unrelated to each other actions. Outer loop makes delay, inner loop processes events. I think we need extract events processing to separate function (processEvents). This will make code more redable and willn’t change logic. Delay funtion became more understandable, cause programmer don’t need to filter event processing by his mind, he’s just seeing “processEvents” word and understands what’s going on. So, after extraction there are 2 functions:

    void SkyEngine::delay(int32 amount) {
          uint32 start = _system->getMillis();
          if (amount < 0) amount = 0; do { processEvents(); _system->updateScreen();
                if (amount > 0)
                      _system->delayMillis((amount > 10) ? 10 : amount);
          } while (_system->getMillis() < start + amount); } void SkyEngine::processEvents() { Common::Event event; while (_eventMan->pollEvent(event)) {
                switch (event.type) {
                case Common::EVENT_KEYDOWN:
                      _keyPressed = event.kbd;
                case Common::EVENT_MOUSEMOVE:
                      if (!(_systemVars.systemFlags & SF_MOUSE_LOCKED))
                            _skyMouse->mouseMoved(event.mouse.x, event.mouse.y);
                case Common::EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
                      if (!(_systemVars.systemFlags & SF_MOUSE_LOCKED))
                            _skyMouse->mouseMoved(event.mouse.x, event.mouse.y);
                case Common::EVENT_RBUTTONDOWN:
                      if (!(_systemVars.systemFlags & SF_MOUSE_LOCKED))
                            _skyMouse->mouseMoved(event.mouse.x, event.mouse.y);