Final sprint: Submitting the PR

I am sorry for not writing in a while, but as the finish date for GSoC comes closer, everything has to be ready for the end. My mentor and I agreed that the PR sould be submitted around August 14th, so these last days my intention was to have as much functionality as possible in before the PR came, as I was sure that after that I would have to spend all the time I had fixing things that I either forgot or didn’t know were broken in the first place.

I am sorry for not writing in a while, but as the finish date for GSoC comes closer, everything has to be ready for the end. My mentor and I agreed that the PR sould be submitted around August 14th, so these last days my intention was to have as much functionality as possible in before the PR came, as I was sure that after that I would have to spend all the time I had fixing things that I either forgot or didn’t know were broken in the first place.

However, I didn’t get to implement much, since a pesky error on my part had me using valgrind for three days, looking for the source of a heap corruption. Luckily I found it and fixed it right in time, and the engine was in at least a playable (albeit not complete) when the PR happened.

On the morning of the 15th I submitted the PR, and by now I have received tons of excellent feedback, and have compiled a list of fixes that need to happen. Thanks to everybody for pointing these things out that fast, so I can get to work right away 🙂 

On a side note, I am planning on writing a postmortem once the GSoC is done, with some important lessons I learned during this experience, which will hopefuly be of some use to future me and anybody that comes after.

For the rest of GSoC I’ll be working on the PR, which you can check out here. Please feel free to pull and test it, I’d be very thankful for any feedback to make the project as good as it can be.