The long journey begins

There is some information on the web to get me going: the most helpful is that someone has re-ed the file formats. I’ve been trying to get MultiEx Commander working under linux, but it doesn’t seem to like wine. Which is rather frustrating. There’s no way I could do this under windows, so I’ll see if I can find anything else to help me out…

Welcome to my… blog

So this is my attempt to actually get started on this: start a blog, then I’ll get really depressed if I don’t put anything in it for a while and be forced to do something.

I am intending to reverse-engineer The 7th Guest, the eventual intention being (if they’ll have it) to add it to ScummVM.

I should point out that I have no experience of reverse engineering, little experience of ScummVM programming, and only moderate experience of programming. The thing I have in abundance, though, is a willingness to learn these things. Hopefully that will be enough!