STR File Format

Resources of Red Comrades games are located in STR files.

These files are containers for resources.


Their structure is the following:

All fields are in Little-Endian, except magic number which is Big-Endian

ptrToString in ResourceDescription is unnecessary. I assume that it is located because container tool simply write internal structures. In engine after reading of descriptions the pointers are filled with addresses of strings.

Preparing for the coding period

The next week coding period begins and I have done some things before coding period:

  • Updated the fork of ScummVm repository
  • Wrote an introductory letter to scummvm-devel
  • Alexander Tkachov gave me a link to the game explorer tool for game data and scripts. This tool pointed me to the wiki which partly describes game structures.

At first week of the coding period I will impelent reading of script.dat file, which contains game objects, scenes and also object handlers.

The format of this structure is fully described here.

GSOC 2019

This blog is created for the ScummVM project I’m involved as a GSoC 2019 student.

Last year I have added support for Pink Panther games.

This year I will be working on adding support for Red Comrades 1 and Red Comrades 2.