Week 3 Progress and Parsing Atoms

Hey everyone! 👋🏻

It’s time for a tiny update on my GSoC journey – Week 3 is in the books!

This week’s update comes with a note that progress has been slightly affected as I’ve been occupied with the announcement of my diploma marks and the beginning of the admission process. However, I’m eager to get back on track and aim to regain a steady pace in the coming weeks.

Task: Parsing Multiple Atoms in Movie Files

Atoms are the building blocks of QuickTime files. All the data and metadata in QuickTime files are contained in subdivisions called “atoms.”

The main goal this week was to implement parsing for several new atom types within QuickTime movie files, moving us closer to complete movie file parsing. To begin this task, I needed to run several movies in ScummVM and determine which atoms were missing.

Atoms Parsed:

  • NAVG (Navigation Atom): This atom helps with the navigation of the QuickTime movie and contains fields such as field of view, camera rotation constraints, etc.
  • ctyp (Controller Type Atom): This atom contains information about the controller type within the movie.
  • pInf (Panorama Information Atom): This atom contains information related to the panorama, such as nodes, zoom, and timestamps.


With these atoms parsed, I aim to make further progress towards completing the parsing of movie files.

That’s all for this tiny update. Stay tuned for more updates on my journey!

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